Job Description
I visit animal clinics and discuss our products.
Pets/animals or if you don’t have your own, what are your favourite animals, and why?
I have a flatcoated retriever named Alba.
How did you end up working in Orion Animal Health?
My skills and background made me a good fit for this position.
What are you passionate about in life?
My family, friends, animals, and training.
What inspires you in your daily Orion work?
I want to offer animals the best medicine, so they will get better if they are ill.
Best thing about your job?
I am able to talk to so many exciting people about exciting products.
What is special about Orion compared to other companies you’ve worked for?
There is a strong sense of unity and the ability to stay positive when things get tough.
What skills / capabilities have you learned (adopted) in your current work?
I have learned a lot about veterinary medicine. I have received drug consultant training, and I have become better at talking to people.
Fun fact about yourself?
My childhood pet was a toad.
If you were an animal, what animal would you be, and why?
A panda—because I love to eat all day long!