The right microbiota for gut protection
- A preparation of freeze-dried microflora selected from the intestine of a normal adult hen
- For the rapid establishment and development of a normal mature microflora in the intestine of fowl, including chickens, turkeys, and pheasants
- Pack sizes: 5x2,0 g (for 5x 2.000 birds), 5x5,0 g (for 5x 5.000 birds), 5x 20,0 g (for 5x 20.000 birds)
Broilact® is a preparation of freeze-dried microflora (≥ 1010 CFU/g), containing at least 1010 colony-forming units per gramme. The refined Broilact® gut microbiota colonizes the intestinal surface and establishes a natural, dominant gut microbiota.

Product details
Broilact® is recommended for use in the hatchery. To achieve the full benefit, use on at least six consecutive flocks. Regular use provides benefits at the farm level, allowing the build-up of beneficial bacteria within the environment.
Used in the hatchery, a single dose provides the flock with lifelong natural defence against undesirable bacteria. With consistent use and proper hygiene management on the farm, the need for antimicrobial treatment is reduced.
Broilact® is a refined gut microbiota obtained from a healthy, adult hen. Broilact® colonizes the intestinal surface and establishes a natural, dominant gut microbiota.
Used in the hatchery, a single dose provides the flock with lifelong natural defence against undesirable bacteria. With consistent use and proper hygiene management on the farm, the need for antimicrobial treatment is reduced. Broilact® can be used for various species of fowl, including chickens, turkeys, and pheasants.
- Reduced need for antibiotics with consistent use
- Excludes undesirable bacteria
As the first microbiota product for competitive exclusion, Broilact® has been featured in many studies published in peer-reviewed journals, helping researchers to understand the important role the adult microbiota plays in the gut health of poultry.A complex gut microbiota at an early age has been associated with several benefits:
- Defence against undesirable bacteria
- Health and resilience
- Nutrient digestibility
- Litter quality (reduction in faecal moisture content)
- Foot pad health
- Risk for dysbiosis
- Liver rejections
A normal gut microbiota protects the intestine against undesirable bacteria, and supports the overall health and well-being of the host.
The natural avian gut microbiota in Broilact® colonizes the intestinal epithelium defending the bird’s health. The natural gut microbiota forms a complex ecosystem, which creates an inhospitable environment for undesirable bacteria, inhibiting their ability to attach and multiply. This defence mechanism is known as competitive exclusion*.
Because Broilact® provides a complex intestinal microbiota, rather than just a few bacterial strains as in probiotics, it is able to colonize the intestine - providing the bird with the natural resistance lacking in modern poultry production.
Broilact is a refined mixture of gut bacteria, obtained from a healthy, adult hen.*Also referred to as the “Nurmi concept”.
Broilact® provides the natural microbial transfer from the mother hen for hatchery-born chicks
Under natural conditions a newly hatched chick would acquire a normal, robust gut microbiota directly from the mother hen. This natural microbial transfer cannot take place in the highly sanitized environment of a large-scale modern hatchery. Without the normal gut microbiota, the young bird is susceptible to unfavourable bacteria, causing reduced growth and performance, increased morbidity and mortality, wet litter, and food safety hazards.
Store at +2° - +8°C.