Non-medicinal options

Further options for supporting calm behaviour

IN ADDITION TO MEDICINAL TREATMENTS  calm behaviour can also be supported by non-medicinal options – for instance, supplements, pressure wraps and pheromones. It is good to understand that these options do not meet the same level of quality, efficacy and safety requirements as licenced medicines, but they may still support calm behaviour.

These methods should not be considered as substitutes for veterinary care; only a veterinarian or a veterinary behaviourist will be able to assess the health status of your pet holistically, and choose the best possible treatment for the situation.

Pressure wraps or wearables – these are designed to fit snugly.

Pheromones – these products contain synthetic pheromones that mimic the natural pheromones excreted by mother dog.

Complementary feed supplements – these are usually treats, powders or tablets.

 - noise anxiety can compromise your dog’s well-being.